I Got a Laser Treatment to Treat the Broken Capillaries on My Face

No matter how "good" your skin is (a term I use loosely), there are always those little things about your complexion that you get stuck on. More often than not, the issue that's bothering you is something only you notice, but it's annoying all the same. For me, that thing that makes me go "ugh" every time I look in the mirror is broken capillaries. TBH, I didn't even know the name for those little red dots and visible veins on my face until recently - I just knew that they were something I cringed at, even when my skin was looking its best and brightest.

At my most recent visit to Jennifer Herrmann, MD, FAAD, a board-certified, fellowship-trained dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon, she said, "You know those red marks on your face? Those are broken capillaries, and we can get rid of them using PDL." Yes, broken capillaries are enlarged blood vessels just beneath the surface of the skin that manifest as little red dots on the face. While they are very common, they can be also difficult to treat with topical products.

Then came my next question: What is PDL? I've heard of a few different laser treatments, but not this one. Dr. Herrmann told me, put (very) simply, that Pulsed Dye Laser is a heat-based laser treatment that targets hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, to zap away those red spots in no time.

Without hesitation, I jumped at the chance to try it. So, Dr. Herrmann, who is a member of the Beverly Hills-based practice Moy, Fincher, Chipps, gave me all the details on PDL - and being the investigative type, I wanted to share this newfound knowledge.

Keep reading to learn more about why PDL is the right laser for broken capillaries, and see my before and after results.

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